
DeutschePharm Dianabol 20
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023

DeutschePharm T3 50 (TERTROXIN)


  • Liothyronine Sodium
  • 50 mcg / Tab
  • 50 Tabs
SKU: 32403 Category: Tag:

(Liothyronine Sodium)

Cytomel is the commonly associated brand name for the synthetic thyroid hormone Liothyronine Sodium. This is a perfect replica of the naturally produced thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, or what is commonly referred to as the T3 hormone. While synthetic Cytomel has been available since the 1950’s, thyroid hormones including T3 have been used medicinally since the 1890’s. Early thyroid treatment plans were simply pure animal extracts and contained pure forms of the T3 and T4 hormone. Extracted thyroid hormones proved very useful in therapeutic treatment plans, specifically in the treatment of hypothyroidism. This is a condition in which the thyroid simply no longer produces enough thyroid hormones, which can lead to weight gain, loss of energy, hair loss and changes in the appearance and texture of the skin. With the introduction of Cytomel, the synthetic model of the T3 hormone, this has provided a much safer and sanitary hormone for such treatments.

Cytomel is not the only synthetic thyroid hormone available. The T4 hormone, Levothyroxine Sodium is also available found under the trade name Synthroid most commonly. Both T3 and T4 are very similar in nature; however, T3 is considered 4-5 times more powerful than T4. T4, in simple terms, acts as a reserve for T3, which makes the Cytomel version the more powerful of the two popular thyroid hormones. While both are effective in treating hypothyroidism, Cytomel is the preferred thyroid hormone among performance enhancement athletes. Anabolic steroid users commonly use Cytomel in an effort to lose body fat.


Cytomel Functions & Traits:

Cytomel or T3 is a thyroid hormone that greatly affects the basil metabolic rate in a stimulating sense. This hormone is involved in many cellular functions including the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. When an individual is no longer producing enough of this hormone on his own, such as when suffering from hypothyroidism, the metabolism does not function properly. When suffering from hypothyroidism, the individual will find body fat gain to be very common and fat loss becomes extremely difficult. The individual also often experiences a loss of energy and even hair loss in some cases. By supplementing with Cytomel, this provides the body with the thyroid hormone it needs and the problem is solved.

It generally only takes a low dose of Cytomel to treat hypothyroidism. This will not necessarily promote enhanced fat loss, but it should return the metabolism back to proper working order. However, many performance enhancing athletes enjoy using Cytomel to in fact enhance direct fat loss. The use of Cytomel along side a calorie restricted diet will promote significant and accelerated fat loss. While effective, generally this type of use cannot be recommended without the use of anabolic steroids. This is one of the most powerfully effective fat loss tools we have at our disposal, but we cannot call it perfect. Many performance athletes report Cytomel leaves them lethargic, which isn’t surprising. Cytomel feeds off of raw ATP. Due to the necessarily higher doses needed to promote enhanced fat loss and due to the depletion of ATP, this can promote lean tissue loss. The body will take whatever it needs from wherever it can get it to meet its energy demands. For this reason, an anabolic protectant is normally advised when supplementing with Cytomel for this purpose.

Effects of Cytomel:

The effects of Cytomel are generally the same regardless of the purpose of use, to treat hypothyroidism or enhance fat loss in a performance setting. In both instances, the hormone functions the same as a direct replica of the T3 hormone. Regardless of the initial reason for use, both individuals should be able to enjoy fat loss. The hypothyroidism patient should now have a more properly functioning metabolism, which will help them lose fat. Often this is welcomed as the individual probably put on a fair amount of fat due to the thyroid disorder. For the performance minded, again fat loss is merely accelerated.

Regardless of the specific reason for using Cytomel, while it will enhance the metabolic rate you will still need to diet. In order to lose body fat you must burn more calories than you consume. If you are consuming more than you burn all the Cytomel in the world won’t do anything for you. However, in a performance setting with an individual who already produces adequate amounts of T3, he may find he can now keep his total caloric intake a little higher than he would without it and still lose weight. Due to Cytomel use, the rate by-which calories are burned is now enhanced due to the administration of excess T3 hormone.

Some have also found that the use of Cytomel can be beneficial when using Human Growth Hormone (HGH), particularly when using high doses of HGH. Some data has shown that the use of HGH in high levels may reduce natural T3 production. We cannot call such Cytomel supplementation necessary, but it does appear to have some validity. Regardless, without question the individual who uses Cytomel and HGH in a fat loss plan will lose more body fat at a far more accelerated rate. This is due to HGH carrying tremendous metabolic enhancement properties. If the individual further includes a beta-2 stimulant like Clenbuterol, he will be a fat burning machine.

The final effect of Cytomel revolves around an anabolic nature. Some have suggested that Cytomel carries an anabolic advantage by enhancing the anabolic action of anabolic steroids. The idea is that anabolic steroids provide a greater utilization for carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and as discussed Cytomel promotes the metabolism of such nutrients. Conjoined, in theory this could promote a greater enhancement of the total body. However, while this theory exists and is deemed fact by some performance enhancing athletes, it lacks a lot of solid credibility. Most will find they should only rely on Cytomel for its direct intended purposes.

Side Effects of Cytomel:

Cytomel is generally viewed as a very well-tolerated hormone for most healthy adults; healthy excluding hypothyroidism. The side effects of Cytomel are most commonly associated with high or overdoses of the hormone, but the individualistic nature of man cannot be ruled out as playing a role. The possible side effects of Cytomel include:

  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Nervousness
  • Increased Bowel Motility
  • Menstrual Irregularities

Extremely high doses or over exposure to the T3 hormone can also lead to potential complications. The side effects of Cytomel in this category include:

  • Angina
  • Shock
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Hyperthyroidism

Generally speaking Cytomel is a very safe thyroid medication, but abuse, particular high dose long term exposure can be life threatening.

The final side effect of Cytomel that needs to be discussed is promoting hypothyroidism. Many fear using this hormone due to the idea of a possible hypothyroidism conditioning occurring once use is discontinued. The idea is that once use has come to an end the body will no longer produce enough of its own T3 and fat gain will occur. While it is possible to become dependent, it is highly unlikely with proper use. Proper use not only revolves around dosing and duration of use, but specifically how we discontinue use. Use should not be abruptly discontinued. Instead, the individual should drop down to a maintenance dose for a short period of time in order to allow his thyroid to reset. For the healthy individual who has not abused Cytomel, recovery should not be an issue.

Cytomel Administration:

For the purpose of treating hypothyroidism, Cytomel doses will normally begin at 25mcg per day. After a couple weeks of use, levels are normally rechecked and the dose may be increased by 25mcg. The dose may again be increased to 75mcg per day another two weeks later until a comfortable maintenance level dosing is found. 25-75mcg per day will be average with most finding 25-50mcg per day to be all that’s needed. Regardless of the dose, the entire daily dose can be taken once per day.

In a performance setting, Cytomel doses will be very similar to hypothyroidism treatment plans. The individual will normally begin with 25mcg per day and increase the total dose 12.5-25mcg every 2-4 weeks as needed. Most will find they will have no need to go above 75-100mcg per day, with the 125mcg per day range being acceptable for very short periods of time. Such a high dose might be acceptable at the end of a harsh contest diet but should not be a regular dose through the brunt of the diet. As for total use, 6-8 weeks will be the safest total duration. Longer can be acceptable, such as 8-12 weeks, but it does increase the risk of thyroid dependency. However, most healthy adults should not have an issue. Once you have reached your high end dose and it’s time to come off, you are encouraged to drop the dose down to 25mcg per day and hold at that dose for 7-10 days. This will allow the body to adjust and protect you from falling into hypothyroidism. For no reason should you discontinue use abruptly, the 7-10 day low dose is imperative.

Availability of Cytomel:

Cytomel is widely available throughout the world on both the pharmaceutical and black markets. It is also available commonly through research chemical labs (RCL’s). While it is available on the U.S. pharmaceutical market, it is not as common as Synthroid (T4). This is despite the T3 hormone proving to be far more powerful and effective. You will also find the T3 hormone is available in tablet and injectable forms. Tablets are most common and injectable forms should be avoided as they are only suitable for emergency medical conditions. Injectable Cytomel will more than likely cause severe damage to the average man or woman. Then we’re left with RCL’s. RCL’s produce Liothyronine Sodium in its liquid state, and it is almost always sold under its chemical name Liothyronine Sodium. As with many non-controlled substances, RCL’s are legally allowed to sell such items so as long as they’re for research purposes; you do not need a prescription. This is a loophole in the law many take advantage of.

Regardless of the form of Cytomel you buy, the true Cytomel tablet, generic or black market, you will rarely find it counterfeited. It should also be very affordable. When purchasing from an RCL, the price can at times be a little higher, but it should still be well within the realm of affordability.

Cytomel Reviews:

In the treatment of hypothyroidism, while it’s not as common at T4 in the U.S. it is the most effective and assured way to treat the condition. When using T4, the individual simply has to wait for the hormone to convert to T3 for an advantage to be had, but with Cytomel we correct the issue right from the start. The same can be said of fat loss. T4 can be a great fat loss tool but nowhere near the level of T3.

For the performance athlete, which represents the majority of Cytomel users, there is a lot of fear that surrounds this hormone. However, much of the fear is misguided and largely based on years of continued internet myth. Yes, use can lead to induced hypothyroidism, but with proper use it is highly unlikely. In fact, there is little data to support the fears often associated with Cytomel use. In fact, while the guidelines we gave you are the safest, most data shows that Cytomel could be used for extremely long periods of time without damage. It is actually possible to use Cytomel for the majority of the year, not all at once but for the individual to be on Cytomel more during the year than not. This is possible, more than possible while maintaining a properly functioning thyroid so as long as the individual comes off and allows his body time to normalize. Regardless, you will find very few items on earth to be as powerful for fat loss as Cytomel.

Weight 0.05 kg