
UPA Osterine MK-2866
November 29, 2021
Supa Mass 1kg
November 29, 2021

EU Pharma Turanabol 10


  • 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
  • 10mg / tab
  • 56 tabs
SKU: 1753 Category: Tag:

Oral Turinabol is somewhat of a unique anabolic steroid. Specifically, Oral Turinabol is a cross between Methandrostenolone and Clostebol. This provides a steroid with powerful anabolic action while at the same time minimizing androgenic characteristics. Oral Turinabol also carries somewhat of an interesting history behind it.

Oral Turinabol was first released by Jenapharm out of East Germany in 1962. The steroid would enjoy a very high safety rating for decades not only among men but in women and even children in a therapeutic setting. This steroid was proven to be very effective in the effort to build or protect lean mass and bone mass without severe complications. However, Oral Turinabol would gain worldwide attention in the 1990’s when the East German steroid scandal became public knowledge.

From 1974 to 1989 what would be known as the East German Doping Machine had been successful in administering anabolic steroids to its Olympic athletes. Not only were they cheating but they were getting away with it as steroids like Oral Turinabol were, at the time, undetectable. State Plan Research Theme 14.25 as it was officially known would also make use of epitestosterone during this period in order to skew testosterone readings in drug testing.

When Oral Turinabol was discovered as being an integral part of the East German scandal Jenapharm would discontinue the product in 1994. Two years later the pharmaceutical powerhouse out of Germany Schering, makers of such steroids as Primobolan, Testoviron and Proviron would acquire Jenapharm but chose not to bring Oral Turinabol back to the market. Since that time this anabolic steroid has never been manufactured by a true pharmaceutical compounding entity and has become a strictly black market underground anabolic steroid.

Oral Turinabol Functions & Traits:

Oral Turinabol, officially known as 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is basically a structurally altered form of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), which itself is a derivative of testosterone. The structural makeup of Oral Turinabol is very simple. The compound is simply the testosterone hormone with an added double bond at carbon 1 and 2, which alters the anabolic to androgenic ratio in favor of anabolic. It also carries an added Chloro group at carbon 4, which inhibits the hormone from aromatizing and further reduces its androgenic nature. The final change is an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position, which protects the hormone through oral administration. This final change officially classifies Oral Turinabol as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic androgenic steroid.

On a functional basis the traits of Oral Turinabol are very simple. Like most anabolic steroids it should have a positive impact on protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, as well as in increasing red blood cell count. These traits are all important as they enhance the anabolic atmosphere of the individual. Protein synthesis in that protein is the primary building block of muscle and synthesis representing the rate by which cells build proteins, and nitrogen retention in that it represents an important part of lean tissue composition. A deficiency in nitrogen will lead to a catabolic state, where as a higher amount retained will promote a more favorable anabolic atmosphere. Then we have red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. More red blood cells will equate to greater blood oxygenation, which in turn will equate to greater muscular endurance. All of these traits will also be tremendously beneficial in terms of the body’s ability to recover.

While the protein, nitrogen and red blood cells traits are present, they are not as pronounced in Oral Turinabol as they might be with many other steroids. But they are still notable and quite beneficial. However, the steroid will promote such traits with a milder nature in that it lacks the ability to aromatize and carries such mild androgenic activity. This can be very beneficial to the individual who while he needs to make progress he needs to keep it as clean as possible.

The mild nature of Oral Turinabol makes it very appealing but there is another trait that greatly enhances its worthwhile. This steroid has the ability to significantly reduce Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). It doesn’t carry this ability as strongly as a few other steroids but it is still more than notable. This reduction in SHBG allows for more active and available free testosterone. Perhaps more importantly, it keeps the other steroids you may be using from falling into a bound state. Basically the individual should be able to get more out of the other steroids being used without a need for increasing the dose simply due to the synergy created by Oral Turinabol.

Effects of Oral Turinabol:

Without question the effects of Oral Turinabol will be most valuable to the athlete and by athlete we actually mean athlete. We’re not talking about the bodybuilder or gym rat that lives like one but rather someone who competes in a competitive sport of physical skill. The use of Oral Turinabol will significantly promote muscular endurance, they won’t tire out as fast and their overall rate of recovery should be greatly improved. As the season wanes on, they should also find they have taken less of a beating and are closer to the physical peak they enjoyed at the beginning of the season. This would not occur without the anabolic protectant nature. The athlete should also find his strength is noticeably improved upon. Yes, he should be stronger, which can directly translate into physical power and speed. No, it will not create the athlete, it will not create athletic ability, affect coordination or turn a sloth into a star, but it will enhance the existing athlete within. If it wasn’t phenomenal for this purpose you can bet the East Germans wouldn’t have been using it and successfully so for nearly two decades.

In a direct physical sense, as an off-season bulking steroid Oral Turinabol is not what we’d label phenomenal. It’s not going to pack a ton of mass on anyone’s frame but it can provide some decent growth. You will definitely grow more when using Dianabol or Anadrol, and it’s not going to build mass like Deca Durabolin, but it should still be notable and clean. Remember, as it doesn’t aromatize all weight gained due to use will be lean mass. Due to its ability to reduce SHBG, this could also make the other steroids you’re taking, such as Deca Durabolin far more valuable during your off-season use.

As a cutting agent, Oral Turinabol can be a decent steroid. It’s probably a little more valuable in the cutting phase than in a true off-season cycle. The steroid will provide solid protection against lean tissue loss and a lot of users often report an increase in hardness. How much hardness will it provide? This is a tough question to answer but it’s not going to be near the level of Winstrol or Masteron and most certainly not near the level provided by Trenbolone. However, the lean tissue protection and increases in endurance and recovery can prove invaluable during this phase of training. Many find this is a great steroid to use at the frontend of a long cutting cycle and then once a little leaner to switch over to more powerful hardening agents.

Side Effects of Oral Turinabol:

We can say with confidence that the side effects of Oral Turinabol are some of the mildest of any anabolic steroid on earth. However, we will also find that it can have a strong, negative impact on cardiovascular health. This should be controllable for the healthy adult but it will be something you need to keep an eye on. Both men and women will be able to use this steroid. This is not our first choice in female use, but it is a viable option. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of Oral Turinabol we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the information you’ll need.

[1] Estrogenic:

The side effects of Oral Turinabol do not include any of an estrogenic nature. This steroid does not aromatize and carries no progestin related traits making side effects like gynecomastia and excess water retention impossible. This should also greatly reduce the risk of high blood pressure as high blood pressure due to steroid use is most commonly linked to severe water retention.

[2] Androgenic:

On a structural basis Oral Turinabol appears to carry no androgenic activity but the total information we have at our disposal is inconclusive. As the steroid is no longer manufactured legitimately and probably never will be again, more than likely its androgenic nature may always remain a slight mystery. However, we do know that it displays very little androgenic activity but we cannot say as some have attempted to say that it doesn’t posses any. Androgenic side effects of Oral Turinabol are possible, although unlikely. Such side effects may include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. Such effects will be highly dependent on genetics but the androgenic effects will not be affected by inhibitors. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors will have little effect on this steroid’s androgenicity as it is not significantly metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

When looking at the androgenic side effects of Oral Turinabol, the most concerning will be female virilization symptoms. Women can use this steroid without virilization, but the dose must be kept low or virilization will absolutely occur. Virilization symptoms include a deepening of the vocal chords, body hair growth and clitoral enlargement. If such symptoms begin to show, discontinue use immediately and they will fade away. If such symptoms are ignored it is possible that they may become irreversible.

[3] Cardiovascular:

Oral Turinabol can have a significant impact on cholesterol in increasing LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and suppressing/reducing HDL levels (good cholesterol). This negative effect on cholesterol will carry a stronger probability than with just about any injectable steroid you could use. Further, while we wouldn’t necessarily call it the unfriendliest oral steroid in this category it is far from the friendliest.

If you suffer from high cholesterol you should not use this steroid. If you cannot live a cholesterol friendly lifestyle and actually give it some attention you should not use this steroid. For those who are disciplined enough for use, ensure your diet is low in saturated fats and simple sugars. Also ensure your diet is rich in omega fatty acids. A large amount of fish oils daily is advised. It’s also a good idea to consider a cholesterol antioxidant and always include plenty of cardiovascular training into your routine. If you’re a healthy adult and you do these things, unless there is an underlying issue you shouldn’t run into any problems.

[4] Testosterone:

Oral Turinabol is suppressive to natural testosterone and should be used in conjunction with exogenous testosterone. Men who use Oral Turinabol without exogenous testosterone will risk a low testosterone condition. Such a condition can come with a host of possible symptoms ranging from physical, mental and sexually related. However, while physical related symptoms are unlikely when steroids are being used the others are a very real possibility.

Once the use of Oral Turinabol comes to an end natural testosterone production will begin again on its own. However, natural levels will still be very low and it will take a large amount of time to recover proper or healthy levels. For this reason most men are encouraged to implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan once the use of anabolic steroids is discontinued. This will greatly speed up the recovery process and protect your lean tissue. Without a PCT plan it is possible for cortisol to become dominant for a period of time, destroy muscle tissue and promote fat gain. While a PCT plan will promote recovery, it will not return you to normal on its own. There is no PCT plan on earth that has this ability. However, a well planned PCT will speed up the process and ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise.

There are a few important notes on natural recovery, the primary being that no low testosterone condition existed prior to anabolic steroid use. Further, natural recovery assumes no severe damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) through improper anabolic steroid use. As a final note, women have no need to supplement with exogenous testosterone when using Oral Turinabol.

[5] Hepatotoxic:

As a C17-aa anabolic steroid, Oral Turinabol is hepatotoxic. Liver enzyme values will increase with use due to the stress it will place on the liver. However, it’s important to remember an increase in enzyme values does not automatically equate to damage, but it is an indicator of stress. This is not the most hepatotoxic C17-aa steroid at our disposal but it is far from the mildest. With proper use it is more than possible to avoid any liver damage, but this will require responsible use.

If you already suffer from any liver related issues, you should not supplement with Oral Turinabol. If you are healthy enough for use, you should ensure you do all you can to promote a healthy liver. First and foremost, avoid all excess alcohol consumption when using this steroid. Heavy consumption will present even more stress to the liver and greatly increase the potential for damage. In fact, avoiding all alcohol during use isn’t the worst idea. Always keep in mind alcohol is perhaps the most anti-performance substance on earth and your very reason for supplementing with Oral Turinabol is to promote performance.

Beyond alcohol regulation, avoiding all over the counter medications when possible is highly advised. Many over the counter medications are quite hepatotoxic and should be limited to when only absolutely necessary. The use of a liver detoxification supplement is also advised when using Oral Turinabol.

If the individual does these things and had a healthy liver to begin with, although enzyme values will rise during use they should return to normal shortly after use is discontinued. The liver carries some of the most remarkable rejuvenation characteristics of any organ in the body and if proper steps are followed and no underlying issues exist no damage should be done.

Oral Turinabol Administration:

Standard male Oral Turinabol doses will normally be in the 15-40mg per day range. This is obviously a wide gap in total dosing, but a mere 15-20mg per day can provide some nice effects. This can provide significant synergy between the other anabolic steroids being used as well as promote recovery and endurance. For a true anabolic benefit, most men will find Oral Turinabol doses in the 40mg per day range to be far more beneficial. Total use will normally fall in the 6-8 week range and should not surpass 8 weeks for any reason in order to minimize the hepatic strain. It is also advised that no other C17-aa steroid be used for at least 6-8 weeks after discontinuing Oral Turinabol. Men will also find Oral Turinabol stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids but should not be used in conjunction with another C17-aa steroid.

Standard female Oral Turinabol doses will normally fall in the 2.5-5mg per day range. Virilization is highly unlikely with such doses but is almost assured with doses that surpass 5mg per day. Keep in mind due to individual sensitivity some women may experience virilization symptoms even in the 2.5-5mg range. If this is the case use should be discontinued immediately. Total use should be kept in the 4-6 week range. This should be a safe dose that presents minimal virilization probability. Other steroids that can be included in female plans could include Anavar or Primobolan Depot but Anavar should not be used at the same time as Oral Turinabol due to its similar C17-aa nature.

Availability of Oral Turinabol:

The supply of Oral Turinabol is not very great. This can be at times a difficult anabolic steroid to find. There is no pharmaceutical company on earth that manufactures it any longer, meaning pharmacy or human grade Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone does not exist. However, several underground labs currently manufacture the compound across the globe. It should be a fairly affordable anabolic steroid but far from what we’d consider cheap in comparison to some other more popular steroids.

As black market underground Oral Turinabol is all that’s available, it is very difficult to determine the overall quality of the compound. As with many underground oral steroids, mislabeling is a potential problem. In this case, mislabeling will normally be a low dosed Dianabol tab labeled as whatever steroid the lab wants to pass off. This is due to raw Dianabol powder being very cheap. You still receive an anabolic benefit but not the benefits you were after. This can be very damaging to female customers as Dianabol will carry a much greater risk in virilization.

Oral Turinabol Reviews:

Oral Turinabol is not an extremely powerful anabolic steroid but it most certainly carries a high level of benefits. When we consider the steroid’s safety rating this increases its beneficial nature all the more. For those who are generally sensitive to anabolic steroid related side effects, as long as they put in the effort to control cholesterol and avoid additional liver stress they should be able to supplement problem free. For the male athlete, this does assume he is also supplementing with exogenous testosterone.

For the female athlete, this can be a great steroid but it is not our favorite for female use. Despite a low level of androgenicity and overall low virilization rating, the risk of virilization appears to be higher than many alternative choices. Most women will find sticking with Anavar, Primobolan or Primobolan Depot and Winstrol to be their best choices. Even low doses of Equipoise can be beneficial for some women.

Regardless of your sex, male or female always tread with caution when purchasing this steroid. There is not a lot of high quality Oral Turinabol on the market and of course there’s always the legal issues that potentially surround such a purchase. Ensure you research the brand and supplier thoroughly before making a purchase. And more importantly, always understand the law completely as it pertains to you and where you live.

Oral Turinabol Profile:

  • [4-chloro-17b-hydroxy-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-one]
  • Molecular Weight:334.8854
  • Formula:C20H27O2Cl
  • Manufacturer: Originally Jenapharma
  • Effective Dose (Men): 15-40mgs/day
  • Effective Dose (Women): 2.5-5mgmgs/day
  • Active life: 16 hours
  • Detection Time: 6 weeks
  • Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: >100:>0
Weight 0.1 kg