
November 29, 2021
V.MED Zaditen (KETOTIFEN) 2mg
November 29, 2021



  • Ricombinant HGH 100iu
  • 10 x 10iu Ampules Freeze Dried Powder
  • 1 x Amplule 10ml Bacteriostatic Solution

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As we grow older our bodies produce less of the critical hormones that rebuilds cells and keeps us young. We could mention many of these hormones but one of the most important hormones that decrease as we age is our growth hormone level. By returning our growth hormone level to where it was when we were young we can regenerate cells and fight the ageing process. Many celebraties (Sylvester Stalone) has openly admitted to taking growth hormone and claimed that this was one of the contributing factors along with a healthy diet and training regime that kept them looking phenomenal at ages older than 60. This was unheard of 50 years ago when a man at the age of 60 was retired and old let alone making action movies and having a ripped toned physique. We must however emphasize that growth hormone alone will not give you the edge. It is only one of the components that have a synergistic effect when combining it with a training regime and a healthy diet.

Positives to taking growth hormone

  • HGH does reduce body fat
  • HGH does increase muscle mass and shape the body
  • HGH does rejuvenate the body
  • HGH makes your nails grow faster
  • HGH makes your hair grow faster
  • HGH makes your skin softer and nicer

Negatives to taking growth hormone

  • Prolonged HGH use does mess with your blood sugar (you need to eat more carbs if you get hypoglycemic episodes)
  • Prolonged HGH use can cause a mild carpal tunnel syndrome (which goes away when you stop taking it)
  • HGH can cause mild water retention (which goes away when you stop taking it)

HGH and temperatures

V.Med is lyophilized (freeze dried) Growth hormone and this is how it withstands temperatures –

  • Before reconstituted
- if refrigerated between 2 – 8 degrees Celsius it’s good until expiration date.
  • At room temperature (up to 37 degrees celsius) it’s good for over 30 days.
  • At up to 45 degrees celsius it’s good for about a week.
  • After reconstituted – it has to be refrigerated at all times. It’s good for 20 days with bacteriostatic water and 24 hours with normal water for injection.


Bacterostatic water is sterile, has a specific pH level and contains a specific amount of benzyl alcohol as a bacteriostatic preservative, is in a specially formulated polyolefin vial to maintain it integrity and sterility, and has no adulterants that may damage/breakdown what you are reconstituting or cause a deep tissue infection when injected. It’s what you have to use for IM and subcutaneous injections and reconstituting peptides or growth hormone.

Normal water for injection will also work as a diluent for your growth and peptides but the injection is much more painful than bacteriostatic water and the active ingredient downgrade in normal water for injection is much faster than bacteriostatic water. Normal water for injection will keep your growth hormone or peptide active for only 24 hours where as bacteriostatic water will only start downgrading after 14 days. Bacteriostatic water is also much less painful to inject than water for injection.


Get the insulin type syringe with 100 markings on the side. They are very cheap and available in every local pharmacy store. They have the smallest needles.


  • Pull 1ml of water into the syringe and inject it into the vial with powder. GH molecules are very fragile – sensitive to heat and rapid movements. You should never shake the vial when mixing. You should not inject the water directly into the powder with force, but rather let it gently slide down the inside of the vial. If it bubbles up, you should put the vial in the refrigerator and leave it there for about 15 minutes. The bubbles will be gone by then. You should then gently turn the vial between your fingers until all of the powder has dissolved (it takes about 3-4 minutes).
  • The vials are under vacuum, so before you can take the GH out, you need to get rid of the vacuum. You take a fresh syringe, pull air into it and inject the air into the vial (not into liquid, but into air above the liquid). This will get rid of the vacuum. You can then pull out the GH as you need it. 10 markings on the 100-mark syringe = 1 IU.
  • If you want to take 2IU you will then draw 20 markings on the insulin
  • syringe and 3IU will be 30 markings as in the picture below.


  • Some people pull the entire HGH vial content into the syringe and use the same for 5 injections. Others prefer to use a fresh syringe for every injection (which is smart in my humble opinion).
  • The favorite spot for HGH injections is subcutaneously, into the stomach fat – pinch some skin between your fingers and insert the needle at a 45-degree angle. Chose a different spot every time. Depending on the spot, you can either feel nothing or you can feel slight pain – you will learn your favorite spots in time. GH can also be injected into any muscle (thigh, shoulder, etc.) – it works the same either way. 

HGH Dosage

  • Dosage depends on the purpose. People generally use 2IU per day for anti-aging purpose and 4IU per day for bodybuilding, weight loss and general fitness. In case of 4IU, people take 2IU in the morning and 2IU in the afternoon. Its best injected into stomach fat (exactly the same way as insulin).
  • Effects are felt about a week into the first cycle (better sleep, skin improvement, etc.). Improved muscle tone is noticed about a month or two after the start (provided you do good workout and proper diet – plenty of proteins). Don’t just settle for any type of protein, because some manufacturers put in all sorts of crap (artificial flavors, sugar, etc. also some manufacturing methods produce low quality protein which is no good.). You want undenatured whey protein isolate created with micro cross flow filtration method and possibly get unflavored and unsweetened kind. I also suggest you take some good multi vitamin/mineral supplements.
  • The effects are most noticeable in the initial few cycles so stay on it for as long as you can (3-4 months even).
  • The only noticeable side effect, which can happen to some people, is the carpal tunnel syndrome (tingling sensation in your palms and fingers. Feeling like your hands fall “asleep” sometimes, especially in the morning when you wake up). If it gets unbearable, people just stop the cycle for a few weeks and then resume when the carpal is gone. If it happens it does so only in initial few cycles when the carpal tunnel (through which nerves are passing to your palms) is too thin and doesn’t have time to adapt to the new rapid growth. Later on the tunnel adapts and in subsequent cycles the carpal is barely felt – if at all.
  • You can take your growth hormone once a day for example 2IU per day for anti ageing purposes. You can also split your growth and take 2IU three times per day or more for bodybuilding purposes with only one crucial rule that must apply. Not within an hour before you eat and not within two hours after you have eaten. When insulin spikes in your blood because of a meal it will destroy your growth hormone so we do not want growth hormone in the blood together with insulin from a meal.

What is the ideal dose per day (IU – International Units) when using HGH?

Ideally if you are using a 99% pure growth hormone you will need 2IU per day for anti ageing and for bodybuilding purposes you can increase it to 3IU and as much as 6IU (2IU in three injections during the course of the day or 3IU twice a day). Some bodybuilders prefer taking a 97% or even a 95% growth hormone because it is cheap and therefore they have to take more than 6IU per day. These athletes more often than not do not even understand why they are taking more than the next guy and they hardly ever know the difference between the different grades of growth hormone. They just up the dose instinctively until they see results.

If you take the 90% growth hormone you will end up having to increase the dose to about 20IU per day to get the same results as someone who takes 5IU of the 99% growth hormone. The quality of growth you take is of utmost importance when deciding how many International Units (IU) you going to take.

Very few bodybuilders know that when you buy growth hormone from the factories in China they offer you different grades or percentage qualities of growth hormone. This is typically what you get offered when you ask the factories in China to manufacture you a batch of growth hormone. You will see below what you could expect to pay for growth hormone per grade.

You will also see what blood serum levels every quality of growth hormone gives you. These blood serum levels are measured directly after injecting 1IU of every grade of growth hormone.

All is not equal when it comes to growth hormone!!!!!!!!!!!

Purity 99% 10 iu blood serum reached 25 ng/ml = usd140

Purity 97% 10 iu blood serum reached 18 ng/ml =usd 120

Purity 95% 10 iu blood serum reached 13 ng/ml =usd 100

Purity 90% 10 iu blood serum reached 1-9 ng/ml =usd 60

The prices of the growth hormones above exclude packaging and shipping. This is the raw costs and bottom line for the growth hormone ingredient before it gets bottled and packaged.

Weight 0.1 kg